Tuesday 16 August 2016


Saint Sebastian's Church Kandana

Location         : Kandana, Gampaha District, Western Province, Sri Lanka.
Feast : January 20.
The Story of Saint Sebastian

St. Sebastian was a Roman martyr. Little more than the fact of his martyrdom can be proved about his life. In the Roman Catholic "Depositio martyrum" of the chronologer of 354 it is mentioned that Sebastian was buried on the Via Appia. St. Ambrose ("In Psalmum cxviii"; "Sermo", XX, no. sliv in PL, XV, 1497) states that Sebastian came from Milan and even in the time of St. Ambrose was venerated there.
The Acts, probably written at the beginning of the fifth century, relate that he was an officer in the imperial bodyguard and had secretly done many acts of love and charity for his brethren in the Faith. When he was finally discovered to be a Christian, in 286, he was handed over to the Mauretanian archers, who pierced him with arrows; he was healed, however, by the widowed St. Irene. He was finally killed by the blows of a club.
These stories are unhistorical and not necessarily worthy of belief. The earliest mosaic picture of St. Sebastian, which probably date to the year 682, shows a grown, bearded man in court dress but contains no trace of an arrow. It was the art of the Renaissance that first portrayed him as a youth pierced by arrows. In 367 a basilica which was one of the seven chief churches of Rome was built over his grave. The present church was completed in 1611 by Scipio Cardinal Borghese.
His relics in part were taken in the year 826 to St. Medard at Soissons. St. Sebastian is considered a protector against the plague. Celebrated answers to prayer for his protection against the plague are related of Rome in 680, Milan in 1575, and Lisbon in 1599.
St. Sebastian was born at Narbonne, in Gaul, but his parents were of Milan, in Italy, and he was brought up in that city. He was a fervent servant of Christ, and though his natural inclinations gave him an aversion to a military life, to be better able (without suspicion) to assist the confessors and martyrs in their sufferings, he went to Rome and entered the army under the emperor Carinus about the year 283.
It happened that the martyrs, Marcus and Marcellianus, under sentence of death, appeared in danger of being shaken in their faith by the tears of their friends.  Sebastian, seeing this, steps in and made them a long exhortation to constancy, which he delivered with the holy fire that strongly affected all his hearers.
Zoe, the wife of Nicostratus, having for six years lost the use of speech by a palsy in her tongue, fell at his feet, and spoke distinctly; making the sign of the cross on her mouth. She, with her husband Nicostratus, who was master of the rolls, the parents of Marcus and Marcellianus, the jailer Claudius, and sixteen other prisoners, were converted; and Nicostratus, who had charge of the prisoners, took them to his own house, where Polycarp, a holy priest, instructed and baptized them.
Chromatius, governor of Rome, being informed of this, and that Tranquillinus, the father of Saints Marcus and Marcellianus, had been cured of the gout by receiving baptism, desired to be instructed in the faith, being himself grievously afflicted with the same distemper. Accordingly, having sent for Sebastian, he was cured by him, and baptized with his son Tiburtius. He then enlarged the converted prisoners, made his slaves free, and resigned his prefectship.
Chromatius, with the emperor's consent, retired into the country in Campania, taking many new converts along with him. It was a contest of zeal, out of a mutual desire of martyrdom, between St. Sebastian and the priest Polycarp, which of them should accompany this troop, to complete their instruction, and which should remain in the city to encourage and assist the martyrs, which latter was the more dangerous province.
St. Austin wished to see such contests of charity amongst the ministers of the church. Pope Caius, who was appealed to, judged it most proper that Sebastian should stay in Rome as a defender of the church. In the year 286, the persecution growing hot, the Pope and others concealed themselves in the imperial palace, as a place of the greatest safety, in the apartments of one Castulus, a Christian officer of the court.
St. Zoe was first apprehended, praying at St. Peter's tomb on the feast of the apostles. She was stifled with smoke, being hung by the heels over a fire. Tranquillinus, ashamed to be less courageous than a woman, went to pray at the tomb of St. Paul, and was seized by the populace and stoned to death. Nicostratus, Claudius, Castorius, and Victorinus were taken, and, after having been thrice tortured, were thrown into the sea. Tiburtius, betrayed by a false brother, was beheaded. Castulus, accused by the same wretch, was thrice put on the rack, and afterwards buried alive. Marcus and Marcellianus were nailed by the feet to a post, and having remained in that torment twenty-four hours, were shot to death by arrows.
St. Sebastian, having sent so many martyrs to heaven before him, was himself impeached before the Emperor Diocletian, who, having grievously reproached him with ingratitude, delivered him over to certain archers of Mauritania, to be shot to death. His body was covered with arrows, and he left for dead.
Irene, the widow of St. Castulus, going to bury him, found him still alive, and took him to her lodgings, where, by care, he recovered of his wounds, but refused to fly, and even placed himself one day by a staircase where the emperor was to pass, whom he first accosted, reproaching him for his unjust cruelties against the Christians.
This freedom of speech, and from a person, too, whom he supposed to have been dead, greatly astonished the emperor; but, recovering from his surprise, he gave orders for his being seized and beat to death with cudgels, and his body thrown into the common sewer.
A pious lady, called Lucina, admonished by the martyr in a vision, got Sebastian's body privately removed, and buried it in the catacombs at the entrance of the cemetery of Calixtus. A church was afterwards built over his relics by Pope Damasus, which is one of the seven ancient stationary churches at Rome, but not one of the seven principal churches of that city, as some moderns mistake; it neither being one of the five patriarchal churches, nor one of the seventy-two old churches which give titles to cardinals.
St. Ado, Eginard, Sigebert, and other contemporary authors relate that, in the reign of Louis Debonnair, Pope Eugenius II gave the body of St. Sebastian to Hilduin, Abbot of St. Denys, who brought it into France, and it was deposited at St. Medard's, at Soissons, on the 8th of December, in 826 With it is said to have been brought a considerable portion of the relics of St. Gregory the Great.
The rich shrines of Saints Sebastian, Gregory, and Medard were plundered by the Calvinists in 1564, and the sacred bones thrown into a ditch, in which there was water. Upon the declaration of two eye-witnesses, they were afterwards found by the Catholics, and in 1578 enclosed in three new shrines, though the bones of the three saints could not be distinguished from each other.
The head of this martyr, which was given to St. Willibrord by Pope Sergius, is kept at Esternach, in the duchy of Luxemburg. Portions of his relics arc shown in the cathedral at St. Victor's; the Theatins and Minims at Paris; in four churches at Mantua; at Malacca, Seville, Toulouse; Munich in the ducal palace; Tournay in the cathedral; Antwerp in the Church of the Jesuits; and at Brussels in the chapel of the court, not at St. Gudule's, as some have mistaken.
St. Sebastian has been always honoured by the church as one of her most illustrious martyrs. We read in Paul the deacon in what manner, in the year 680, Rome was freed from a raging pestilence by the patronage of this saint. Milan in 1575, Lisbon in 1599, and other places, have experienced in like calamities the effects of his intercession with God in their behalf.
We celebrate St. Sebastian's feast day on January 20th.

Monday 15 August 2016


For God the Father - Devi Piyaaananta  

1) Obe Daya Senehe Kiya.. ඔබේ දයා සෙනෙහෙ කියා..https://youtu.be/-ZYVf4GelwI

For Jesus - Kithu Samindunta 

1) Mage Divi Pananala Rakinne https://youtu.be/V9qpIPZoLcc

2) Oba Thurulata We 

ජේසු රජාණෙනි  Jesu Rajaaneni
ජේසු රජාණෙනි ඔබ වටලා
බාල සමාජය පෙම් වඩලා
සාදු දිදී සිරි හද පුදලා
පාද සිපා සැනසීම දෙමූ

පාද සිපා... පාද සිපා...
පාද සිපා සැනසීම දෙමූ

පුංචි අපෙන් වන පව් නොබලා
ලෝක රසින් වන පව් නොබලා
පාප අපෙන් ඔබ වෙන් නොවෙලා
ජේසු ඔබේ දෙනු මැන සරණේ

ජේසු ඔබේ... ජේසු ඔබේ...
ජේසු ඔබේ දෙනු මැන සරණේ

සෑම දිනේ තුරුලට වඩලා
සෑම සෙනේ කරුණා පාලා
සෑම පිනේ රස පෙන්වාලා
ජේසු ඔබේ හද දන් දෙන්නේ

ජේසු ඔබේ... ජේසු ඔබේ...
ජේසු ඔබේ හද දන් දෙන්නේ

ජයවේ ජේසූනී | Jayawe Jesunee
ජයවේ ජේසූනී ජයවේ ක්‍රිස්තුනී
සව් ලෙව් දනන්ගේ සිත් වදන් විනිශ්චකාරෙනී
ක්‍රිස්තූ රජාණෙනි ලෝකාග්‍ර ස්වාමිනී
දෙවි වූ ජේසූ රාජේන්ද්‍රා ‍තේජායු වේ

ක්‍රිස්තු රජ නොවේ කියත් පවිටුවෝ
ඔබේ දසුන් ලොවේ පිරි හඬින් සැවෝ
දෙව් පුතුන් ම වේ සෑමා දනන්ගෙ ස්වාමී
තේජා ශ්‍රී ස්තෝත්‍ර වේවා

ආ ජේසු ක්‍රිස්තුනි ශාන්ති කුමාරෙනි
උදාර සිත් සැම සුදම් දෙස නමා
ඔබ සබේ තුළා දිළෙයි නිබඳ සේනා
ආශිර්වාදිත වේවා

ආදර මගෙ ජේසුනී | Aadara Mage Jesuni
ආදර මගෙ ජේසුනී
කලකින් ඔබ අමතමී
කොහොමද ඔබගේ තතූ සමි‍ඳේ
සිතු සිතු දේ මම කළා
ඔබෙ දහමේ ගුණ නසා
අද ඔබ ළඟ වැඳ වැටී හඬමී

මා හසුවී මාරුතේ
මඟ වැරදී මාවතේ
මේ ලියමන ලියමි මා සමි‍ඳේ
මහ කරුණා සාගරේ
ඔබ පමණයි ආදරේ
සැනසුම මට දෙන්නකෝ සමි‍ඳේ

ජේසුනි මම ආදරෙයි
ඔබෙ පෙම ඊටත් වැඩියි
සැමදා මම ණයගැතියි ඔබට
ඔබ දුන් හැම දේටමත්
මට දුන් නැති දේ හටත්
තුති පුදනෙමි ආදරෙන් සමි‍ඳේ

ආද‍ර මගෙ ජේසුනී
හමුවෙමු යළි මතු දිනේ
දින දින වැජඹේ ලොවේ සමි‍ඳේ
සිතු සිතු දේ මම කළා
ඔබ අනුකම්පා කළා
මම ඔබ ළඟ වැඳ වැටී හඬමී

වන්දනා කරමූ | Wandana Karamu
වන්දනා කරමූ සිරස නමා...//
වන්දනා කරමූ සිරස නමා...//
වන්දනා කරමූ සිරස නමා...//

පැසසුම් කරමූ ගීත ගයා...//
පැසසුම් කරමූ ගීත ගයා...//
පැසසුම් කරමූ ගීත ගයා...//

ස්තූතී කරමූ දෝත නගා...//
ස්තූතී කරමූ දෝත නගා...//
ස්තූතී කරමූ දෝත නගා...//

ඔබ තුරුලට වී | Oba Thurulata Vee
ඔබ තුරුලට වී ඉන්නට ඇත්නම්
එක වරුවක් හෝ දවසක දී
නිසසල මොහොතක හිමිදිරි උදයක
ඔබ සිරුරේ උණුසුමේ වෙලී

මට ඔබ විශ්වාසයි
ඔබ මගෙ ජීවිතයයි
හැමදාමත් එහෙමයි

ගිනිගත් සිතිවිලි නිවෙනා තුරු මා
ඔබ තුරුලේ ඉන්නම්
පවිටු මගේ සිත සේදී යනතුරු
ඔබ පා නමදින්නම්
තනිවෙන්නට කිසි දිනෙක ඉඩ නොදී
ඔ‍බ පසුපස එන්නම්
දෑතින් ඔබෙ අත අල්ලා ගෙන මා
ගීයක් මුමුණන්නනම්

දුකින් පෙළෙන මිනිසුන් අහුරක් ගෙන
ඔබ පාමුල වැටෙමී
සැනසීමක් අයැදින්නට හිත හිත
මල් දෝතක් පුදමී
විශ්වාසයි මට විශ්වාසයි කිසි
දින මා අතනොහරියි
ඔබ දුන් හුස්මෙන් ජීවත් වන්නට
මට දිරි ලැ‍බෙනු ඇතී

මා බලවත් කරනා සමිඳේ | Ma Balawath Karana Saminde
මා බලවත් කරනා සමිඳේ
ඔබ තුළ මට කළ හැක සැම දේ
දුබල මසිත සැලෙනා මොහොතේ
දිරියක් වී රැඳෙන්න නිබඳේ

දිවියේ පැණ පොදි හැරදා
නැගිටින්නට වෙරලන සඳ
කුරුසියෙ සෙවනැලි අතරේ
පා නඟන්න දිරි දෙනු මැන
සමිඳේ... සමිඳේ...//

හිරු බැස යන අවරගිරේ
ඔබෙ අතැඟිලි මත රැඳිලා
දිවියේ ජය පැරදුම් හා
දුකයි සැපයි දෙකම කියමි
සමිඳේ... සමිඳේ...//

මගෙ දිවි පණනල | Mage Divi Pananala
මගෙ දිවි පණනල රකින්නෙ
ඔබ පමණකි ජේසුනේ
දිවිය පුරා ඔබ ආලෝකේ
සැම නපුරේ සරණේ...//

ඔබ හැර මා අන්කවරෙකු වෙත යන්නද සමිඳේ
ඔබමයි මා නිති පිළිසරණේ
නැත කිසිදා කුරුසේ බර හැරදා පසු බැස්සේ
දිවිය ඔබේ දිරියයි නිබඳේ

සරා සඳේ සොමි කැළ්මන් ගලනා හෝරාවේ
පිළිසඳරේ සතුටින් නැවතී
දිවිය පුරා මට ආනන්දය වූ හැටි සිහි ගන්වා
රැඳෙමි ඔබේ නෙතුකැන් අතරේ

රොනට වදින I Ronata Wadina
රොනට වදින බිඟු ඔබයි - කැකුළු මල මමයි
මලට සුවඳ ටික ඔබයි - සිඟිති පෙති මමයි
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී

විලට වසින පිණි ඔබයි - පද්මිණිය මමයි
සුළඟ සළන සිරි ඔබයි - ලලිතිණිය මමයි
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී

පහන් දොරට හිරු ඔබයි - කුමුදිනිය මමයි
රැයට දිළෙන හඳ ඔබයි - හඳට රැය මමයි
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී

දියට මුහුද දෙවි ඔබයි - ගලග ගඟ මමයි
දිගත පතල ජල ඔබයි - නගින රළ මමයි
ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී

ජේසූ දෙවියනී - ජේසූ දෙවියනී

For Mother Mather Mary

පැනිබර වන මල් | Panibara Wana Mal
පැනිබර වන මල් අතුමිනි දැදිරිව
පැනිබර හිමිදිරියේ
මල් ලොව රැජිණිය ඔබ බව පවසයි
ලෝක දයාබරියේ
මිහිකත වටකොට සත්මහ සමුදුර 
සෝදන දිය සරියේ
ඔබමය රැජිණිය ඔබමය රැජිණිය 
ඔබමය මව් මරියේ

මල් ලොව මංගලියේ
ලෝක දයාබරියේ
ලෝ කිරීටය ඔබේ හිසමත තබබින්
නමෝ නමෝ මරියේ

පව්බර අප වෙත මව් පෙම් වඩවා
කරුණා නයන හෙලා
දිරි ගන්වනු මැන අප සිත් දින දින
ඔබේ පුත් රුවන බලා
නිති සරණිය දෙන මරි මව කඩ නොව
නංවන අසිරිවලා
රැජිණිය රැජිණිය සලසනු රැජිණිය
අපවෙත එන්න ගලා

මංගල වේවා | Mangala Weewa
මංගල වේවා මෑණියනේ 
ජය ජය මංගල වේවා
ඔබ පැසසේව සෑම දිනේ
දෙව් මව සේ නැමදේව

ඔබ මා මව සේ
රක නපුරෙන් මේ දිවියේ
ඔබේ රූ බාර වූ
වත මා වෙත යොමු වේවා

ඔබේ සිත හා මගේ සිත සමවී
බැහැපත් ගතියෙන් සැරසී
ඔබේ හද හා මගේ හද සමවී
මා තුල ජිවන වේවා

(නව වසරට)
මේ නව වසරේ මෑණියනේ
ඔබේ තුරුලට අප ළ‍‌‌ංවී
අප ඉරණම ඔබේ අතේ තබා
නව උදයට පා තබමු

රිදී වළා ගැබින් නැගෙන | Ridee Walaa Gebin
රිදී වළා ගැබින් නැගෙන කුමරි කව්රුදෝ
අඹරෙ දිනුඳු වතසෙ දිලෙන මුහුණ කාගෙදෝ
කුළුණු බරින් කඳුළු සැලෙන දෙනෙත කාගෙදෝ
කොමළ මුවින් මා සනසන රැජිණ කව්රුදෝ

දේව දිනිති ඒ දෙව් කුමරිය ඒ
සමිඳු දාසි ඒ සගයෙ රැජිණ ඒ
මල් කුමාරි ඒ හෙළ රැජිණිය ඒ
දේව මෑණි ඒ අපෙ අම්මා ඒ

මිසර දෙසට කුමරු රැගෙන ගියේ කව්රුදෝ
කුරිරු රජුගෙ අතින් ජේසු මිදුවෙ කව්රුදෝ
මෙහෙළ බිමට අප රකිනට වැඩියෙ කව්රුදෝ
කියනු කියනු හෙළ වැසියනි එතුමි කව්රුදෝ

සගපුර රන්මිණි | Sagapura Ranmini
සගපුර රන්මිණි දොරටු ඇරා
ලෝ තුල මංගල සිරි පතුරා
පෙම්බර මෑණී ශ්‍රී සුර දෝනී
තේජස පා වැඩි ඒ
සගපුරටා සැවොම තුටා
වදිමුව ශ්‍රී පාදේ...//

තේජමාන හිරු පරදා සේල ගත පළඳා
පාද මූල තරිඳු යොදා ශ්‍රී පතුරමිනේ
වැඩියේ කුමරී වදිමූ සිතිනි නදා

තාරකාද දොළොස රඳා පේළියකට යොදා
ශෝභමාන කිරුළ සදා ශ්‍රී පතුරමිනේ
වැඩියේ කුමරී වඳිමූ සිතිනි නදා

පාපිදාස රකින ලෙදා ලෝක සතට සදා
වාසනාව දෙවනු සදා ශ්‍රී පතුරමිනේ
වැඩියේ කුමරී වඳිමූ සිතිනි නදා

සාදු ශීල ගුණෙහි බැඳා සෑම පවම බිඳා
දේව මෑණි නමිනි පුදා ශ්‍රී පතුරමිනේ
වැඩියේ කුමරී වඳිමූ සිතිනි නදා

ලිලිය සේය | Liliya Seya
ලිලිය සේය බොහො යසේය ඔබ දිසේය මරියනී 
සෙවන සේය ඔබ කුසේය දෙවි වෙසේය මරියනී 

අදරී මෙන්න සපළ දන්න සනිරයෙන්න මරියනී 
ම වෙත එන්න ලිබනයෙන්න මහද දෙන්න මරියනී 

තම මරීය බොඅදරීය ම කුමරීය මරියනී 
සැම සිරීය ඔබ පිරීය පෙම්බරීය මරියනී 

ඔබට ගැතිව අදර ඇතිව දරු සේ බැතිව මරියනී 
නොකැලැලැතිව හද පෙමැතිව දෙමු කැමතිව මරියනී 

දින දිනේය අප සෙනේ ය ඔබටනේය මරියනී 
ඔබ සෙනේය දෙනු මැනේය දින දිනේය මරියනී

මරිය රැජිණියේ | Mariya Rajiniye
මරිය රැජිණියේ මා 
දයාබර මවේ 
දුබල අපට සෑමදා 
සරණ වන මවේ 

මවක ලෙසින් දරු අපගේ අවැසි තා බලා 
ඒ සැම අපට නිති ලැබ දෙන දයාබර මවේ...//

බැගෑ ලෙසින් අප වෙනුවෙන් දෙව් තුම හමුවේ 
මැදහත් වන අප ආදර දයාබර මවේ...//

කරුණාබර ඔබ දෙනෙත ම අප වෙත යොමවා 
අප දුක සැප බලන අපේ දයාබර මවේ...//

නිති සරණය දෙන අප හට දයාබර මවේ 
ඔබ සළු සෙවණට දිව එමු දයාබර මවේ...//

ජේසු අම්මෙ | Jesu Amme
ජේසු අම්මෙ මේ අහන්න 
ඔබේ දෑතට තුරුළු වෙන්න 
සුදු සළු කොණ අල්ලගන්න 
මට හරි ආසයි...//

ජේසු අම්මෙ මේ අහන්න 
ඔබෙ රසබර බස් අහන්න 
ඔබෙ ඔවදන් පිළිපදින්න 
මට හරි ආසයි...//

ජේසු අම්මේ මේ අහන්න 
ඔබෙ රැකවරණය ලබන්න 
ඔබේ උදව් පතා ඉන්න 
මට හරි ආසයි //

ජේසු අම්මෙ මේ අහන්න 
ඔබෙ අත ගෙන පියමනින්න 
ජේසු ළඟට හෙමින් යන්න 
මට හරි ආසයි...//

ජේසු අම්මෙ මේ අහන්න 
සුර පුර වෙත ළඟා වෙන්න 
සුර සැප මේ යයි දකින්න
මට හරි ආසයි...//

අම්මා පුදන්නයි | Amma Pudannai
ලස්සන තුරු ලිය පවනෙ ලෙලෙන්නේ 
සැම දෙස කුසුමින් හිනැහි බලන්නේ 
දරු කැළ මල් ගෙන මව වෙතැ එන්නේ 
අම්මා පුදන්නයි දරු අප එන්නේ...//

මඳ නල දස අත ගත පිනවන්නේ 
අම්මගෙ ආදරෙ අපට කියන්නේ 
දරු කැළ බැතියෙන් හද ඔසවන්නේ 
අම්මා පුදන්නයි දරු අප එන්නේ...//

සුසුදු නිමල මව් සරණෙ පතන්නේ 
ඔබ දරු දැරියන් රකින්න පෙමිනේ 
දින දින දෙව් පෙම වඩමින් සොඳිනේ 
අම්මා පුදන්නයි දරු අප එන්නේ...//

සුර මව් කුමරිය ආදර මව්නී 
දරු කැළ වෙනුවෙන් යදින්නැ රැජිණී 
ඔබ පුතු දින දුන් සගපුර පැමිණී
දෙවිඳු දකින්නයි දරු අප එන්නේ...//

සුරිඳු ජේසු මෑණියේ | Surindu Jesu Maaniye
සුරිඳු ජේසු මෑණියේ 
සුහද මව මගේ
පව් කමා වෙ සෙත සදාවෙ
සදා සරණෙ මා...//

මංගල වේ රැජිණෙනී කරුණාබර වූ
මෑණියණී අප පණෙනී අමා මිහිරෙනී
ගැති අපේ පැතුමෙනී 
එකම සතත සහයෙනී 
මංගල වේවා

අනේ එහෙව් වූ අපේ මැදහත්කාරී
කරුණාබර ඔය ඔබෙ නෙත් අප මත රඳවා
සසර මේ ගෙවුණු දා
ඔබෙ කුසෙ ඵල ජේසු වතේ 
දැකුම'පට දෙවා

පසසව් සමිඳුන් උදෙසා මරිමව් | Pasasaw Samidun
පසසව් සමිඳුන් උදෙසා මරිමව්...//
පසසව් සමිඳුන් උදෙසා මරිමව්...//

උදම් අනමු සැම මුවකින්
පසසමු මරි මව් සමඟින්
ඇගෙ ගුණ සමුදා සිහිකර සැමදා
පසසමු මරිමව් සමඟින්

වළාගැබෙන් ආ මරියා නොව ඔබ
ගමේ හදගැස්ම හඳුනා ගත් ලඳ
කුරුස පාත්‍රය පුතු සමඟින්
පානය කළ මරියා...//
පානය කළ මරියා...//

දූලි මැදින් පිය මැන ජෙරුසලමේ
පාර තනන්නට නව ජෙරුසලමට
පුතුට ඉගැන්වූ පුතු දිරි ගැන්වූ
ඒ ලඳ ඔබ මරියා...//
ඒ ලඳ ඔබ මරියා...//

වචනයේ දාසියයි | Wachanaye Daasiyai
වචනයේ දාසියයි මරි මවේ
සම්මතය හැර දැමූ ලඳ ඔබයි
අසම්මත වූ දේව සැලසුම
වටහා ගත් කන්‍යා

තැනට බලයට දාසියක් නොවී
එසේ සැමගෙන් දෙව්බවින් පිරී
අළුත් මැවිල්ලක කැඩපත වූ
විශ්වයෙ මව අම්මා
අම්මා අම්මා විශ්වයෙ මව අම්මා

කැපවී වැයවී දෙව් කැමැත්ත සොයා
වචනය තෙම වූ සත්‍ය කුස දැරුවා
කඩු හතකින් හද සිදුරු කරන්නට
ඉඩ දුන් ලඳ අම්මා
අම්මා අම්මා ඉඩ දුන් ලඳ අම්මා

මරිමව් විලසින් සුදතුන් මග සොයමු
දෙව් කැමත්තට සැමවිට හිස නමමු
ඔබ ගිය මඟ අප මඟවෙන දවසේ
අපිත් ඔබේ දරුවෝ
අම්මා අම්මා ඔබයි අපේ අම්මා

නෙළුම් පිපීලා | Nelum Pipeela
නෙළුම් පිපීලා පෙති විසිරීලා
ජලය සුවඳ වෙන්නා
මමත් මලක් නම් පිපී සුවඳ දී
ඔබ ලඟ පරවෙන්නා...//

කාන්ති කුමරියෙනී
නාද මිහිරියෙනී
සාන්ත සුසිලියෙනී
දේව දියනියෙනී
සීල සිතුමිණෙනී
රූප සිරිනියෙනී
දම්ම කිරුලෙහි දිසි දිසි බබලන
රමණිය සිළුමිණෙනී

කන්‍ය සිරි ලියෙනී
පුණ්‍ය පිරි ලියෙනී
රම්‍ය ඉසි ලියෙනී
අන්‍ය සම ලියෙනී
සාම රැජිණියෙනී
දේව මෑණියෙනී
සෑම සුවඳැති මල් වනයෙහි පිපි
ලක්සන කුසුමියෙනී

සෑම සිරි සිලියේ
සෝම සුකොමලියේ
මාල මංගලියේ
ගීත අන්ජලියේ
පාද සඳ දිලියේ
දේව රන් දොළියේ
නීල අඹරෙහි තරු පරදන සරු
සිරු'රැති සිරි මලියේ

මා මව්නී | Ma Maunee
මා මව්නී අති ප්‍රේමනීය
මේ ලෝකේ මගෙ ආධාර
ශෝකෙන් මා නිති සන්තෝෂය
යාච්ඤා වේ මව සුන්දර

මා යාච්ඤා අසනූ දයාවෙන්
මා මව්නී සිට ස්වර්ගයෙන්
ආරක්‍ෂා කරනූ පාපයෙන්
මා මූදා සැම ශෝකයෙන්

අන්ධ වූ අප ආලෝකය
දුර්වල අප ආධාර
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For Saints


Saturday 13 August 2016



The Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy
name. Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily
bread, and forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive
those who trespass against
us, and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us
from evil. Amen.

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen

V. O Lord open our lips
R. And we shall praise your name.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall
be, world without end. Amen. (Alleluia)
(A suitable hymn such as the following is said)
Transcendent God in whom we live,
The Resurrection and the Light,
We sing for you a morning hymn,
To end the silence of the night.
When early cock begins to crow,
And everything from sleep awakes,
New life and hope spring up again,
While out of darkness colour breaks.
Creator of all things that are,
The measure and the end of all,
Forgiving God, forget our sins,
And hear our prayer before we call.

Psalm 63
O God, you are my God, for you I long;
for you my soul is thirsting,
My body pines for you
like a dry, weary land without water.
So I gaze on you in the sanctuary
to see your strength and your glory.
For your love is better than life,
my lips will speak your praise.
So I will bless you all my life,
in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,
my mouth shall praise you with joy.
On my bed I remember you.
On you I muse through the night
for you have been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand holds me fast.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, as it...

Psalm 149
Sing a new song to the Lord,
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let Israel rejoice in its Maker,
let Sion’s sons exult in their king.
Let them praise his name with dancing
and make music with timbrel and harp.
For the Lord takes delight in his people.
He crowns the poor with salvation.
Let the faithful rejoice in their glory,
shout for joy and take their rest.
Let the praise of God be on their lips
and a two-edged sword in their hand,
to deal out vengeance to the nations
and punishment on all the peoples;
to bind their kings in chains
and their nobles in fetters of iron;
to carry out the sentence pre-ordained:
this honour is for all his faithful.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, as it...
(Other psalms suitable for morning prayer include
Psalms 24, 67 & 100)


Morning Prayer of St Francis
St Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily;
to lean on your great strength, trustfully, restfully;
to wait for the unfolding of your will, patiently, serenely;
to meet others, peacefully, joyfully;
to face tomorrow, confidently, courageously.

Prayer of St Thérèse of Lisieux
My life is but an instant, a passing hour.
My life is but a day that escapes and flies away.
O my God! You know that to love you on earth
I only have today.
Lord, what does it matter if the future is gloomy?
To pray for tomorrow, oh no, I cannot!
Keep my heart pure, cover me with your shadow
Just for today.
O divine Pilot! whose hand guides me.
I’m soon to see you on the eternal shore.
Guide my little boat over the stormy waves in peace
Just for today.

Prayer of Abandonment
Father, I abandon myself into your hands;
Do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you;
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me and in all your creatures.
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul:
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands without reserve
and with boundless confidence, for you are my Father.

St Patrick’s Breastplate
I bind unto myself today,
the power of God to hold and lead,
his eye to watch, his might to stay,
his ear to harken to my need:
the wisdom of my God to teach,
his hand to guide, his shield to ward;
the word of God to give me speech,
his heavenly host to be my guard.
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

Prayer for Humility
St Alphonsus Ligouri
Most humble Jesus, give me a share of your humility.
Take from my heart everything that displeases you;
convert it totally to you,
so that I may no longer will or desire
anything other than what you will.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
We give you thanks for all your gifts,
Almighty God, living and reigning now and forever.

Grace Before Meals
Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about
to receive through thy bounty.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer to our Guardian Angel
Angel sent by God to guide me,
be my light and walk beside me;
be my guardian and protect me;
on the paths of life direct me.

Angel of God
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day (or night) be at my side,
to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Act of Faith, Hope and Love
My God, I believe in you,
I trust in you,
I love you above all things,
with all my heart and mind and strength.
I love you because you are supremely
good and worth loving;
and because I love you,
I am sorry with all my heart for offending you.
Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Come Holy Spirit
The first versicle and response are taken from the alleluia
verse before the gospel of Pentecost; the second versicle
and response from the third antiphon for the Office of
Readings on Pentecost and the prayer from the votive
Mass of the Holy Spirit in the Roman Missal.
V. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
R. And kindle in them the fire of your love.
V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created
R. And you will renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
Lord, by the light of your Holy Spirit
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In that same Spirit
help us to relish what is right
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Prayer for Benefactors
Reward those who have been good to us
for the sake of your name, O Lord
and give them eternal life. Amen.

Prayer of St Francis
St Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)
Lord make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is discord, union;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be
consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

 Prayer for Final Perseverance
St Alphonsus Ligouri
Our dear Redeemer,
relying on your promises,
because you are faithful, all-powerful and merciful,
we hope, through the merits of your Passion,
for the forgiveness of our sins,
perseverance until death in your grace;
and at length we hope, by your mercy,
to see and love you eternally in heaven.

Prayer for Christian Unity
John Henry Newman; adapted from
‘Meditations and Devotions.’
O Lord Jesus Christ,
when you were about to suffer,
you prayed for your disciples to the end of time,
that they might all be one,
as you are in the Father,
and the Father in you.
Look down in pity on the many divisions
among those who profess your faith and heal the wounds
which the pride of man and the craft of Satan have
inflicted on your people.
Break down the walls of separation which divide one
party and denomination of Christians from another.
Look with compassion on the souls who have been born
in one or another of these various communions and
bring them all into that one communion which you set
up in the beginning: the One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church.

St Patrick’s Prayer
I arise today, through the power of the Trinity, through
the faith in threeness, through trust in the oneness of the
Maker of the earth, and the Maker of heaven.

Prayer of St Richard
St Richard of Chichester (1198-1253)
Praise be to Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ,
For all the benefits which You have given us,
For all the pains and insults which You have borne for us.
O most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother,
May we see You more clearly, love You more dearly,
And follow You more nearly, Day by day. Amen.

Prayer of St Ignatius Loyola
St Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)
Teach us Good Lord, To serve You as You deserve,
To give and not to count the cost,
To fight and not to heed the wounds,
To toil and not to seek for rest,
To labour and not to ask for any reward,
Save that of knowing that we do Your will. Amen.

Prayer to St Anthony for things that are lost
O great St Anthony, who has received from God a special
power to recover lost things, help me that I may find that
which I am now seeking.

An Old French Prayer for Friends
Blessed Mother of those whose names you can read in
my heart, watch over them with every care. Make their
way easy and their labours fruitful. Dry their tears if they
weep; sanctify their joys; raise their courage if they
weaken; restore their hope if they lose heart, their health
if they be ill, truth if they err, and repentance if they fall.

Prayer of Self-Dedication to Jesus Christ (Oblatio Sui)
Ascribed to St Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)
Lord Jesus Christ, take all my freedom, my memory, my
understanding, and my will. All that I have and cherish
you have given me. I surrender it all to be guided by your
will. Your grace and your love are wealth enough for me.
Give me these, Lord Jesus, and I ask for nothing more.

Evening Prayer of St Augustine
Watch, Lord, with those who wake or weep tonight. Give
the angels and saints charge over those who sleep. O
Lord Jesus Christ, tend Your sick ones, rest Your weary
ones, bless Your dying ones, soothe the suffering ones,
pity all the afflicted ones, shield the joyful ones, and all
for Your love’s sake. Amen.

Prayer of Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Founder of the Missionaries of Charity (1910-1997)
The fruit of Silence is Prayer.
The fruit of Prayer is Faith.
The fruit of Faith is Love.
The fruit of Love is Service.

Prayer of Daily Service
Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our fellow men throughout
the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give
them through our hands this day their daily bread, and by
our understanding love, give peace and joy. Make us, Lord,
worthy to serve our brothers and sisters who are scattered
all over the world, who live and die alone and poor. Give
them today, using our hands, their daily bread. And, using
our love, give them peace and happiness. Amen.

 Prayer of St Teresa of Avila
My God, dispose of me, and of all that belongs to me,
according to your good pleasure. Amen.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890)
Most sacred, most loving Heart of Jesus, you are
concealed in the Holy Eucharist, and you bear for us still.
Now, as then, you say: “With desire I have desired.” I
worship you with all my best love and awe, with fervent
affection, with my most subdued, most resolved will. For
a while you take up your abode within me. O make my
heart beat with your Heart! Purify it of all that is earthly,
all that is proud and sensual, of all perversity, of all
disorder. So fill it with you, that neither the events of the
day, nor the circumstance of the time, may have the
power to ruffle it; but that in your love and your fear, it
may have peace. Amen.

De Profundis
Psalm 130
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,
Lord, hear my voice!
O let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleading.
If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt,
Lord, who would survive?
But with you is found forgiveness;
for this we revere you.
My soul is waiting for the Lord,
I count on his word.
My soul is longing for the Lord,
more than watchmen for daybreak.
(Let the watchman count on daybreak
and Israel on the Lord.)
Because with the Lord there is mercy
and fullness of redemption,
Israel indeed he will redeem from all its iniquity.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,
world without end,

Act of Contrition
This prayer is taken from
the revised Rite of Penance, 1974.
My God,
I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong
and failing to do good,
I have sinned against you
whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend,
with your help,
to do penance,
to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.
In his name, my God, have mercy.
Amen. I confess to almighty God,
to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the
archangel, to blessed John
the Baptist, to the holy
apostles Peter and Paul, and
to all the saints, that I have
sinned exceedingly in
thought, word and deed,
through my fault, through
my fault, through my most
grievous fault. Therefore, I
beseech blessed Mary ever
Virgin, blessed Michael the
archangel, blessed John the
Baptist, the holy apostles
Peter and Paul, and all the
saints, to pray for me to the
Lord our God.

Act of Contrition
St John Chrysostom (adapted)
O God, loose, remit, and forgive my sins against you,
whether in word, in deed, or in thought;
and whether they are willingly or unwillingly,
knowingly or unknowingly committed, forgive them all.
For you are good and you love all human beings.
And through the prayers of your most holy Mother,
or your heavenly servants and holy spirits,
and all the Saints who have found favour with you,
enable me to receive without condemnation your holy
Body and your Precious Blood.
Let my soul and body be thus healed and my evil
imaginings be driven away,
for yours is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
now and forever. Amen

Prayer for Divine Mercy
From the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina of the Sisters of
Our Lady of Mercy (1905-1938)
O Greatly Merciful God, Infinite Goodness, today all
mankind calls out from the abyss of its misery to Your
mercy - to Your compassion, O God; and it is with its
mighty voice of misery that it cries out: Gracious God, do
not reject the prayer of this earth’s exiles! O Lord, Goodness
beyond our understanding. Who are acquainted with our
misery through and through, and know that by our power we
cannot ascend to You, we implore You, anticipate us with
Your grace and keep on increasing Your mercy in us, that
we may faithfully do Your holy will all through our life and
at death’s hour. Let the omnipotence of Your mercy shield
us from the darts of our salvation’s enemies, that we may
with confidence, as Your children, await Your final coming that day known to You alone. 
And we expect to obtain
everything promised us by Jesus in spite of all our
wretchedness. For Jesus is our Hope: Through His merciful
Heart as through an open gate we pass through to heaven.

Prayer of St Ambrose
Preparation for Mass; attributed to St Ambrose
(c. 339-397), bishop of Milan
Lord Jesus Christ,
I approach your banquet table in fear and trembling,
for I am a sinner and dare not rely on my own worth
but only on your goodness and mercy.
I am defiled by many sins in body and soul
and by my unguarded thoughts and words.
Gracious God of majesty and awe,
I seek your protection,
I look for your healing.
Poor troubled sinner that I am,
I appeal to you, the fountain of all mercy.
I cannot bear your judgement,
but I trust in your salvation.
Lord, I show my wounds to you
and uncover my shame before you.
I know my sins are many and great
and they fill me with fear,
but I hope in your mercies,
for they cannot be numbered.
Lord Jesus Christ, eternal king,
divine and human,
crucified for humanity,
look upon me with mercy and hear my prayer,
for I trust in you...
Have mercy on me,
full of sorrow and sin,
for the depth of your compassion never ends.
Praise to you, saving sacrifice,
offered on the wood of the cross for me and for all.
Praise to the noble and precious blood
flowing from the wounds of my crucified Lord,
Jesus Christ and washing away the sins of the
whole world.
Remember, Lord, your creatures,
whom you have redeemed with your blood.
I repent of my sins
and I long to put right what I have done.
Merciful Lord, take away all my offences and sins;
purify me in body and soul,
and make me worthy to taste the holy of holies.
May your body and blood,
which I intend to receive, although I am unworthy,
be for me the remission of my sins,
the washing away of my guilt,
the end of my evil thoughts
and the rebirth of my better instincts.
May it spur me on to works pleasing to you and be
profitable to my health in body and soul and a firm
defence against the wiles of my enemies.

Prayer of St Augustine
Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know you,
And desire nothing, save only you.
Let me hate myself and love you.
Let me do everything for the sake of you.
Let me humble myself and exalt you.
Let me think of nothing except you.
Let me accept whatever happens as from you.
Let me banish self and follow you,
And ever desire to follow you.
Let me fly from myself and take refuge in you,
That I may deserve to be defended by you.
Let me fear for myself, let me fear you,
And let me be among those who are chosen by you.
Let me be willing to obey for the sake of you.
Let me cling to nothing, save only to you,
And let me be poor because of you.
Look upon me, that I may love you.
Call me, that I may see you,
And for ever enjoy you. Amen.

Prayer of St Thomas Aquinas
Almighty and ever-living God,
I approach the sacrament of your only-begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ.
I come sick to the doctor of life,
unclean to the fountain of mercy,
blind to the radiance of eternal light,
poor and needy to the Lord of heaven and earth.
Lord in your great generosity,
heal my sickness, wash away my defilement,
enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty,
and clothe my nakedness.
May I receive the bread of angels,
the King of kings and Lord of lords,
with humble reverence,
with purity and faith,
with the repentance and love
and the determined purpose
that will help to bring me to salvation.
May I receive the sacrament of the Lord’s
body and blood
and its reality and power.
Kind God,
may I receive the body of your only begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ,
born from the womb of the Virgin Mary,
and so be received into his mystical body
and numbered among his members.
Loving Father,
as on my earthly pilgrimage
I now receive your beloved Son
under the veil of a sacrament,
may I one day see him face to face in glory,
who lives and reigns with you for ever.

Adoro Te Devote (English version)
Attributed to St Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274)
Hidden here before me, Lord, I worship you,
Hidden in these symbols, yet completely true.
Lord, my soul surrenders, I longing to obey,
And in contemplation wholly faints away.
Seeing, touching, tasting; these are all deceived;
Only through the hearing can it be believed.
Nothing is more certain; Christ has told me so;
What the Truth has uttered, I believe and know.
Only God was hidden when you came to die;
Human nature also here escapes the eye.
Both are my profession, both are my belief;
Bring me to your Kingdom like the dying thief.
I am not like Thomas, who could see and touch;
Though your wounds are hidden, I believe as much.
Let me say so boldly, meaning what I say.
Loving you and trusting, now and every day.
Record of the Passion when the Lamb was slain,
Living bread that brings us back to life again;
Feed me with your presence, make me live on you;
Let that lovely fragrance fill me through and through.
Once a nesting pelican gashed herself to blood
For the preservation of her starving brood;
Now heal me with your blood, take away my guilt;
All the world is ransomed if one drop is spilt.
Jesus, for the present seen as through a mask,
Give me what I thirst for, give me what I ask;
Let me see your glory in a blaze of light,
And instead of blindness give me, Lord, my sight.

The Prayer of Humble Access
The Book of Common Prayer, based on a prayer of
St Ambrose
We do not presume to come to this your table,
O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness,
but in your many and great mercies.
We are not worthy even to gather up
the crumbs under your table.
But you are the same God whose property
is always to have mercy:
grant us, therefore, gracious Lord,
so to eat the flesh of your dear Son Jesus Christ,
and to drink his blood,
that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body,
and our souls washed through his most precious blood,
and that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us.

You can also download complete prayer book at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3r7XAVGqCdDY2w5ZndqekIxLVk


ශුද්ධවූ පැය Holy Hour MP3...https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3r7XAVGqCdDWXY4aWZPMWdKQUE